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READING THE TBR, DAY 242: Hercule Poirot’s Christmas (1938) by Agatha Christie

When, oh when, are cantankerous and controlling old men, rich beyond reason, going to learn not to advertise an imminent change in their wills when surrounded by their not-so-loving families?

Of course they end up dead whenever they do that.


Not that it’s always the motive. But it often seems to be, at least for much of the book. It’s just stupid. Stop doing it, cantankerous and controlling old men!

The motive of this one actually took me by complete surprise, as did the culprit, and wow, Christie was a genius. Despite its title, however, the book is not especially Christmassy, and poor Poirot doesn’t get to do much in the way of decking halls or dashing through snow, but then, he’d probably much prefer to solve a murder than indulge in such frivolity.

He really is a holiday miracle.


TBR DAY 242: Hercule Poirot’s Christmas (Poirot #20) by Agatha Christie
GENRE: Cosy Mystery, Mystery, Poirot
TIME ON THE TBR: ~5 years.  
PURCHASED FROM: Vintage shop.
KEEP: Yes.

Published inTBR

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